Insecure’s “Hella Blows” Examines the Problem with Having Hella Expectations

I recently learned (in a grief counseling session, no less) about this boring concept in market research called expectation confirmation theory. It proposes that the interplay between a consumer’s assumptions about a potential purchase (their expectations) and their perception of … Continue reading Insecure’s “Hella Blows” Examines the Problem with Having Hella Expectations

How can TV and movies get representation right? We asked 6 Hollywood diversity consultants.

In 2012, Kerry Washington, star of the Shonda Rhimes-created ABC political drama Scandal,became the first black woman to lead a network drama in nearly four decades. Two seasons later, the series became the first on a major broadcast network that “was created by … Continue reading How can TV and movies get representation right? We asked 6 Hollywood diversity consultants.

How Netflix’s Voltron: Legendary Defender became an essential animated series

Since Netflix’s Voltron: Legendary Defender debuted in 2016, critics have praised the streaming network’s reboot of the iconic 1984 Saturday morning cartoon Voltron: Defender of the Universe (which itself was an adaptation of a Japanese anime series). Consensus throughout the reboot’s first two seasons was that … Continue reading How Netflix’s Voltron: Legendary Defender became an essential animated series

Solar eclipses have been a science fiction theme for thousands of years

Storytellers have long fixated on the awe-inspiring phenomenon that is a total solar eclipse. From ancient myths about dragons eating the sun to hundreds of more contemporary depictions — in Stephen King’s 1992 novel Dolores Claiborne, the 2006 film Apocalypto, or any number of … Continue reading Solar eclipses have been a science fiction theme for thousands of years